Further enhancing their reputation as an energetic live act, Two Door Cinema Club made a number of festival appearances, including Reading and Leeds, iTunes and T in the Park, throughout 2010.
#Two door cinema club tour talk album download
The album's tracks dealt predominantly with the theme of love and the band's journey from school leavers to signed recording artists.Īided by appearances on a range of high profile television shows in America, the band's debut album immediately captured a loyal fan following in the US in addition to a place on the iTunes top 40 download chart. Praised for its catchy tunes, innovative lyrics, energetic melodies, pulsing rhythms and inventive use of synth and beats, the album was a perfect example of Two Door Cinema Club's electronically enhanced guitar driven sound. Called Tourist History, the album was released in March 2010 and was pre-empted by the single, Undercover Martyn. The band then got to work on their debut album with Eliot James, a renowned producer who had previously masterminded hugely successful records for both Bloc Party and Noah and the Whale. By the end of 2009, Two Door Cinema Club had increased their fan base and been included on the BBC's prestigious Sound of 2010 shortlist. With a debut album that refused to wane in velocity and a nosebleed-inducing climb towards the summit of festival rosters, the everyman trio from Bangor, NI, had somehow became the most unlikely superstars of a generation. The French-based record company funded the release of a further single, I Can Talk, which helped the band reach an even wider audience. There was a point in time in which Two Door Cinema Club seemed almost unstoppable.

A single from the EP, Something Good Can Work, immediately brought the band critical acclaim in addition to a record deal with label, Kitsune. Opting for the latter, the band released a self-funded debut EP entitled Four Words to Stand On in 2009. Having met at school, the band began performing as Two Door Cinema Club, a mispronunciation of Tudor Cinema Club in their hometown, in 2007 and soon faced a difficult decision - to continue their education or choose to pursue a career in music. Sharing both vocal and musical duties, the trio were initially influenced by the melodic rock of acts such as Death Cab for Cutie and Modest Mouse. Hailing from Bangor and Donaghdee in Northern Ireland, the three piece consists of Alex Trimble, Sam Halliday and Kevin Baird. Two Door also didn’t skimp on stage theatrics, including fog jets from the front of the stage near the start of the show to giant white balloons over the crowd at the end.With their unique brand of electro pop rock, Two Door Cinema Club have found a legion of fans in the UK, Ireland, America and beyond. With only two albums and a big headlining spot, there was ample time to do all that they needed to and more (though Tourist b-side “Kids” would have been great, both for the setting and ‘cause it’s a great song – QRO video at earlier NYC show). “Sleep” was followed by the band’s first-ever single, killer indie-dance “Undercover Martyn”, and Two Door did all their great Tourist singles – “Something Good Can Work”, “I Can Talk”, “Come Back Home”, and the evening’s closer, “What You Know”. Beacon just doesn’t have the litany of singles that Tourist has – but few records do. Two Door opened their set with their newest single, the expansive but also energetic “Sleep Alone”, off of Beacon, but still played more from the ten-song Tourist than the eleven-song Beacon.

Two Door Cinema Club playing “Next Year” live at Central Park SummerStage in New York, NY on September 28th, 2012: And one guesses that an all-ages show with an early end time, not on a school night, made it easy for kids to make the show (there was even a photographer in the pit from Horace Mann High School…). As they had said in a last.fm interview done two days earlier ( QRO photos), the band has been put in different holes in different places – in Europe they’re seen as an electronic act, playing with DJs and such, but in America they’re seen as a rock outfit.

However, it was more surprising in the case of Two Door, as one wouldn’t have guessed that they have such a young fan base – but the group has always been a bit difficult to pigeonhole. The gang are bringing their beloved indie rock to our shores this November with a string of shows in Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane. The audience at SummerStage was composed of a lot of squealing minors – not Bieber-age, but reminiscent of when The Kooks played SummerStage at the same time of the season a few years ago ( QRO live review). Two Door Cinema Club This is not a drill Two Door Cinema Club have announced their False Alarm Australian tour off the back of the album release. Luckily, though, the rain had passed on by when the show began – not that it would have mattered to Two Door’s rabid fans. SummerStage ( QRO venue review) was attempting to squeeze the last few days out its season, and while the outdoor space wasn’t cold, it was wet, thanks to a rainstorm earlier in the day.